“Artificial Societies” included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission [CLONE]


On March 26, 2019, the electronic scientific journal “Artificial Societies” (artsoc.jes.su) entered the Higher Attestation Commission List — a list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals where the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia recommends to publish the main scientific results of the thesis for the candidate and doctor of science degrees.

The idea of creating an electronic academic journal devoted to researches in the field of agent-based computer models (ABM) emerged in 2006 as part of the activity of the Agent Modeling Laboratory of the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The chief editor of the journal is Valery Makarov, the Academician of the RAS. In 2016, with the support of the State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN), the journal was transferred to the new technological platform JES (Journal of Education and Science), which meets modern standards in the field of scientific periodicals in the best way.

Today, the scientific journal “Artificial Societies” provides twenty-four-hour access for readers — scientists, teachers, students — to publications in a wide variety of scientific fields related to the digitalization of the economy, multi-agent modeling in the natural and human sciences and the development of an artificial intelligence. The high scientific level of the work on reviewing and preparing materials published in the journal is assured by the team of the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Editorial invites authors to publish their articles!

“Artificial Societies” included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission


On March 26, 2019, the electronic scientific journal “Artificial Societies” (artsoc.jes.su) entered the Higher Attestation Commission List — a list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals where the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia recommends to publish the main scientific results of the thesis for the candidate and doctor of science degrees.

The idea of creating an electronic academic journal devoted to researches in the field of agent-based computer models (ABM) emerged in 2006 as part of the activity of the Agent Modeling Laboratory of the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The chief editor of the journal is Valery Makarov, the Academician of the RAS. In 2016, with the support of the State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN), the journal was transferred to the new technological platform JES (Journal of Education and Science), which meets modern standards in the field of scientific periodicals in the best way.

Today, the scientific journal “Artificial Societies” provides twenty-four-hour access for readers — scientists, teachers, students — to publications in a wide variety of scientific fields related to the digitalization of the economy, multi-agent modeling in the natural and human sciences and the development of an artificial intelligence. The high scientific level of the work on reviewing and preparing materials published in the journal is assured by the team of the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Editorial invites authors to publish their articles!

Advanced Training “Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence”


The program accepts persons with a completed higher education of any profile. The program is designed for teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as researchers specializing in social studies, philosophy, computer science, information technology and psychology; engineers and technologists whose professional activities are related to the modeling, use and analysis of complex intelligent systems. More information here >>>

Журнал «Искусственные Общества» включен в базу данных Ulrich’s


Дорогие авторы и читатели журнала!


Редакция продолжает активную работу по продвижению  журнала «Искусственные Общества» в мировые индексы и базы цитирования. Рады сообщить Вам, что теперь журнал включен в базу данных Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. 


Выпуск 12, номер 3-4


В выпуске представлена статья Акопова А.С., Бекларян Г.Л., Бекларян Л.А. посвященная моделированию эколого-экономической системы города. Также в работах Гумеровой Г.Т. и Зулькарнай И.З. рассматриваются вопросы моделирования исламской финансовой модели.

Open Conference on Artificial Intelligence


OpenTalks.AI conference - independent place for all AI stakeholders, where leading scientists will meet entrepreneurs, developers will meet customers, startups will meet investors. Tell community about you and your work, network, find your partners, customers and partners.

Конференция «Компьютерное моделирование экономики и общества»


В ЦЭМИ РАН 31 мая прошла конференция «Компьютерное моделирование экономики и общества». Организаторами выступили Отделение общественных наук РАН и Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН. 

Доклады были посвящены:

  • Компьютерному моделированию социально-экономических процессов 
  • Цифровой экономике 
  • Data mining
  • Искусственному интеллекту 
  • Агент-ориентированному моделированию 
  • Суперкомпьютерным технологиям